Warlordocracy Demo v34

I was gonna do some more work, but I had to do a release on Hitler-Blowing-His-Brains-Out Day.

List of changes:

-Disabled AI item use if character is in party.
-Decreased bandit ear requirement from 10 to 5 to pass first quest.
-Fixed problem with walking on caltrops, causing victim to target random glimmer objects.
-Fixed problem where ESC while in Targeting Mode would enter Editor Mode.
-Fixed transition arrow from Tuskwood to Chirping Meadows.
-Fixed unarmed attacks with non-weapon item equipped.
-Fixed dead frame for dogs, rabbits, and rats.
-Expanded longest object name label PNG.
-Improved Nordus's dialogue.


Warlordocracy Demo v34.rar 109 MB
Apr 30, 2022

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