Warlordocracy Demo v31

To celebrate the day that Wisconsin officially became a territory of the United States, I cranked out another update to the Warlordocracy Demo. Lots of changes to status effects and skills. Now I'm gonna go get fucked up on a ton of cheese.

Complete list of changes:

-Added Insane status effect and tweaked Hungry status effect.
-Changed HUD for inventory and character windows to fit in more status effects.
-Combined Pyromancy and Hydromancy abilities into Thermomancy (not included in demo).
-Using Defensive Stance, Prowling, Scouring, and Play Dead abilities a second time now cancels it.
-Calling the globals script with "callScript" command now resets globals first.
-Added wave object effects in Lockdell Docks and Cove for aesthetics.
-Fixed targeting problem when party members auto-talk to you.
-Confused status effect now turns characters yellow.
-Gorbo now gives you starting items, based on class.
-Completely changed all ability icons.
-Updated Player's Manual.
-Improved some dialogue.


Warlordocracy Demo v31.rar 107 MB
Apr 20, 2022

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