Warlordocracy Demo v29

Baddie AI can now use food, potions, and bombs, as well as switch to better weapons in their inventories when they got nothing. Added potions and finished the Alchemy and Naturalism abilities (I think). Naturalism now requires you to target a campfire or cauldron, and fuck you, yes I spelled "cauldron" wrong before. You can now bandage your entire party with rags at a campfire with the Naturalism ability, and forage for food or herbs.

Grammar is now fucked up with player choices if you have less than 2 EDU (Ruffian class). Also, I added potions to the Alchemy ability, but none in the world yet.

-Mobile AI (not in party) can now use food, potions, and bombs.

-Mobile AI (not in party) now switches to weapon with most damage when unarmed or out of ammo.

-Added new script boolean: "if_objNearTarget" to test distance between current mobile and its target.

-Added potions: healing, recharge, curing, speed, berserk, and rejuvination.

-Changed "couldron" to "cauldron" because I studied some English last weekend.

-If character has less than 2 EDU, grammar in player choices now fucked up.

-Naturalism ability now works, but requires a campfire or cauldron target.

-Spotting status now works for AI characters (but not yet implemented).

-Fixed status effect bonuses and penalties to stats.

-Improved initial Ralo dialogue.


Warlordocracy Demo v29.rar 109 MB
Apr 07, 2022

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