Warlordocracy Demo v28

Added the Thief player class, as well as the Prowling, Backstab, and Mechanics abilities. You can now use the drinking well to recharge Meta and fill up empty bottles to recharge meta later. Also, other changes.

DEMO 28:
-Concealment status effect now works, depending on distance and mobile direction.
-Added new player class: Thief, who has Prowling, Backstab, and Mechanics abilities.
-Finished abilities: Prowling, Backstab.
-Started working on ability: Mechanics (crafting lockpicks and caltrops).
-Drinking wells are now usable and let you recharge or fill empty bottles.
-Changed one of the buildings in Lockdell to Barracks so player can sleep.
-AI mobiles now automatically rotate randomly 90 degrees in the code.
-Resting in beds now increases hunger by 5 for everyone in party.
-Fixed holding shift while selecting party members on the map.
-Added a couple of bags of caltrops to the world.


Warlordocracy Demo v28B.rar 109 MB
Mar 30, 2022
Warlordocracy Demo v27B.rar 106 MB
Mar 24, 2022

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