Warlordocracy Demo v26

Big old list of updates. Still working on the pathfinding, but it's slightly improved. Main priority. I also really improved mouse selection priority, like how you select mobiles over items under their feet before anything else, and added some quests. I'm still not gonna develop past the first 10 maps (the demo maps) until I know everything is perfect. Also, selecting crocodiles is easier now (they used to cover up all items in a 2 tile radius around them or something.

Complete list of updates:

-Slightly improved pathfinding.

-Murag in Bandit Camp now gives one quest.

-Improved mouse detection more, prioritizing mobiles over items.

-Smithing ability now lets you forge wealth from silver and gold ore.

-Added list of documents in main menu and included updates in game menu.

-Added a skill pentagram sprite to character creation.

-Added two graves to Chirping Meadows.

-Added Quiver of Arrows item (x10 arrows).

-Updated transition script to forbid travelling while under attack.

-Updated character creation and Player's Manual text a bit, converted to PDF.

-Temporary effect objects like fire now get deleted when world editor opens.

-Added more sprites and objects to the media folder (still unused, but ready).


Warlordocracy Demo v26.rar 105 MB
Mar 11, 2022
Warlordocracy Demo v25B.rar 111 MB
Mar 05, 2022

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