Warlordocracy Demo v25

Steam Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1748160/Warlordocracy/

Redid the pathfinding a bit, improved mouse selection precision, added a Total Party Level stat in the Journal window for when you import your party into new stories (and there are limitations). The party limit is based on how many members you have, and their accumulated skills and abilities, as well as leftover karma points (skill points). Not sure if I should also include wealth and total inventory value in this as well. Added two new quests. Finished the Streetwise ability so you can summon the black market in town and gather info. Updated maps a bit. Lots of new script commands. Still need to work on the pathfinding.

Complete list of changes:

-Fixed problem with target retaliation from the last patch.
-Greatly improved mouse selection detection for objects with larger sprite images.
-New custom object selection size property (pointer selection much more accurate).
-Butterflies and birds now disappear at night in AI scripts.
-Brayna at the Lockdell Docks now gives two side quests.
-New stairs map tiles between coastal and town maps.
-Total Party Level now displayed in Journal window.
-Expanded the size of the Lockdell Town Hall.
-Added usable clocks and pocket watches.
-Finished the Streetwise ability.
-Use scripts for barrels, workbenches, etc. now automatically examine the object.
-Added windmill, guillotine, and well objects to the maps.
-Added more sprites and objects to the media folder (still unused, but ready).
-Gaining wealth, karma, objectives, and changes in faction hostility now indicated in a window.
-Fixed some problems with booleans picking a new current object and saving last object.
-Fixed bug where failing a main objective would repeat the window over and over.
-Fast tooltip delay now constantly shows tooltips.
-Tweaked path-finding (still sucks).
-"PickName" script command no longer picks dead/destroyed objects.
-Added new script boolean: "if_objSprite".
-Added new script command: "objMobTargetDefault".
-Added new script command: "objSelSizeX" and "objSelSizeY".
-Added new script command: "partyPos" to position entire party around given coordinates.
-Added new script command: "victoryMusic" to play victory music once then revert to previous music.
-Added new script command: "refresh" to call after opening chests, etc. for faster processing.
-Added new script command: "objExamine" to examine current object.


Warlordocracy Demo v25.rar 111 MB
Mar 01, 2022

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