Future Plans for Warlordocracy

I am still working on another couple of side-quests in the Warlordocracy demo and finalizing the class balance (gotta add in some bluff dialogue options, etc.). Then I'm gonna playtest through the demo with every class, then hopefully update on Fuck Napoleon III day, March 5th.

The demo is going to stay restricted to only 10 maps, so I'm done with the demo maps. I just need to make sure that the classes are balanced, finish some more dialogue and side-quests, and hopefully improve the pathfinding a lot more. Then I can keep working on the full version.

You can import your entire party and list of reputations into different stories with the script commands already, so I think the first full paid release will be the first four chapters. There will be a satisfying conclusion but obviously some loose ends. Then there will be a couple DLCs that add two more chapters each that you can import your party and reputations into. So there will probably be a total of 8 chapters before the party gets too overpowered. I have tons of story notes and an ultimate ending, and now I just need a way to conclude the base game in a satisfactory way before the optional expansions.

There, I made the outline of my outline. Time to get high.

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