Warlordocracy Demo v24

I think I'm making these Demo updates too detailed. Fixed a lot of abilities like Economics, Naturalism, Mining, Smithing (not Blacksmith anymore because you can work with all metals). Item prices are now modified by condition, faction respect, and the Economics ability (boosted by Education skill).

Got rid of the Alchemist class and combined it with Scholar, then added an extra ability to all the other classes. So now all the other classes are a bit more powerful. As of right now, the Streetwise and Linguistics abilities do nothing. On the next update, Streetwise will let you gather information in towns and contact the black market at any time (in town). Also, I need to make more Bluffing dialogue options and books to translate with Linguistics. So the Merchant and Scholar are still underpowered classes, but they are getting there.

Also: a few more updates to character creation, fixed some minor bugs, changed Lurkwood to Tuskwood so I'm not ripping off the Forgotten Realms setting, and main player sex is now a reputation (not a script variable) so that it can be transferred when you import your party into another story.

Complete list of changes:

-Fixed shopping discounts, new script discount parameter, implemented Economics ability.

-Main 5 party members are automatically selected after moving to a new map.

-Newly-spawned mobiles now start with max Health and Meta, healed all mobs in story.

-Changed player sex to a reputation, not a variable (to be exported with party to other stories).

-Added new script command: "pickParty" to pick a party member (1 to 5), beds now heal whole party.

-Fixed bug from last patch where you can use/get objects from 2 paces away (now it's only talking).

-Changed Lurkwood name to Tuskwood (Lurkwood is a place in the Forgotten Realms setting).

-Changed Blacksmith ability to "Smithing" (all kinds of metals and ore).

-Finished the Mining ability and added a few ore veins to the world.

-Outlined mouse cursor in yellow to make it more visible.

-Added more abilities at trainers and training dialogue.

-Combined Alchemist and Scholar into one class.

-Character creation now displays class skills.

-Favius will now only talk to the main player.

-Updated Player's Manual and Builder's Manual.


Warlordocracy Demo v24.rar 109 MB
Feb 06, 2022

Get Warlordocracy: Demo


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Wait so if main player's sex is a variable, does that mean that modders could technically make different player types? (like making a choice between man, woman, dragon, dwarf, etc...)


Ya, you can set the main player to a butterfly if you want. Same thing with Brigand, I just don't have a 3D butterfly model.


I could fix that if you'd like