Warlordocracy Demo v23

Updated the HUD. Combined use and talk into one command (since they were the same thing), and added a Stop command (which for some reason I didn't have before). New sound effects, dialogue, updated abilities, and more.

Complete list of changes:

-New HUD window graphics with dividing lines.
-Combined Use and Talk command and added a Stop command.
-Added random animal sounds for cows, pigs, goats, chickens, and birds.
-Added a little more dialogue and story after negotiating a treaty (still only 10 maps).
-"LoadStory" script command now has optional parameter to also transfer current party.
-Crafting arrows with Woodcraft ability now requires feathers (from dead birds).
-Implemented "Examine Environment" option for the Naturalism ability.
-Militia Elite now block player from leaving before speaking to Ralo.
-Story and save lists are now sorted alphabetically.


Warlordocracy Demo v23.rar 105 MB
Jan 31, 2022

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