Warlordocracy Demo v9

Main menu for Warlordocracy, bitches, plus all the settings. You have to click on the journal to change settings in the game, but I think it's fine. Also, I have a little party dialogue implemented like Baldur's Gate 2, which is kinda what I'm going for. What else? Tooltips, slightly better pathfinding (I think), but it still needs lots of work. I think in the next demo I will need playtesters. For now just play it if you're curious. Also, there is a fully-functional world editor, but I won't allow you to make worlds larger than 5 maps unless YOU PAY ME THAT PAPER DAWG!!!

It's gonna be $9.99, then a bunch of $4.99 expansions after that. Not Santa Clause hat DLCs, I mean stories where you can import your entire party from other stories like in NWN.


Warlordocracy Demo v9.rar 99 MB
Apr 20, 2021

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