Warlordocracy Demo v6

This demo has tons of new assets, like monsters, boars, abilities, townspeople, but I'm just waiting until the next demo to implement them all into a custom map with a story. So, for demo v7 there will be two custom maps linked together, as well as the beginning of a story. I will also have a random map generator function with an option menu (for size, biome, items, monsters), but the final game will definitely not have random maps. Everything will be designed.

AnywayS, enjoy the slime, the gazers, and the vampires after dark for now. Also, there's a few special abilities and the world editor to play around with (hit the ALT key and check the Builder's Manual for commands).


Warlordocracy Demo v6.rar 51 MB
Jan 08, 2021

Get Warlordocracy: Demo

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