Warlordocracy Demo v3

OK, Demo v3 with the first caveman version of the world editor:

Hit ALT to open the world editor, you can then select a tile with L-Mouse, and input a script command with R-Mouse. You still can't save the map (that will come next) but there are over 160 commands you can fuck around with if you check the Builder's Manual.

Also, special abilities are implemented, as well as magic jewelry. There's a magic ring by the trogs that increases your damage -- you just have to have magic jewelry in your inventory for it to take effect. And I fixed that bug where the time of day would pass even while paused.

My next demo will hopefully improve AI, and also allow saving and loading custom maps.


Warlordocracy Demo v3.rar 44 MB
Sep 16, 2020

Get Warlordocracy: Demo

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