Version 6.6

As all good parents know, there comes a time when you have to throw your baby in the dumpster and wish it all the best. Obviously, if another huge bug comes up that I was unaware of, I'll do a 6.6B.

There is one bug reported by 3 people that I just couldn't fix because it never happens on my computer. Their teammates turn into obtainable objects, I believe when they reload the save? The first time it was reported I thought the person was using the world editor and just fucking with me, then it was reported 2 more times. I've looked at the save files and I have no idea why that happens. But at least you can fix it with the world editor. Target the weird obtainable teammate, press F2, and type "type=sentient". No idea wtf is going on with this one.

I'm gonna focus 100% on my next project now, but I think in maybe a year or so I will do a Gold version with all content plus an extra challenge map, dev notes, and source code for $10.

I found a dumb-ass bug where if you turn off sound, hostile/annoyed/suspicious characters wouldn't turn to look at your footstep sounds.

List of fixes below.

-Fixed bug where turning off menu sound would prevent sentient objects from detecting your footsteps.
-Fixed crash when menu music is turned off and player views credits.

-Carrion demons and diseased hounds now attack each other in AI scripts, even though they are both technically the same faction.

-Updated Builder's Manual.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)
-(PANAMA) Added a hooker to Ciudad del Saber to make the Lady's Man ability more useful.


Brigand Oaxaca v6.6.rar 369 MB
Feb 29, 2020

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