Version 15.9

Hopefully fixed window alignment with 2560x1440 resolution, and also added 3440x1440 resolution. Again, I have no clue if it works or not. I do not have the hardware to test it.

Had to include new scope and mask screen overlays, which is an extra 50mb. I could convert the overlay image to a sprite in DarkBASIC so I could then stretch it, but the I hear the compass sprite decreases performance slightly, so I don't want to add more sprites.

I also fixed a couple PANAMA bugs, one thanks to Cobalt Wolf, who had the exact variable number and line in the script text file that needed to be fixed. Also added some more party dialogue to the ending.

Finally, we got back to up 95% in Steam reviews, so thank you to everyone who left one. Soon we're gonna get to 500 and hit "Overwhelmingly Positive" (which I assume will get it more visibility).

The more money I make, the fewer hours I gotta work at my day job, which means the more time I will have to goon, which means I will be more relaxed while doing game dev.

EDIT: New resolution confirmed on Discord, thanks to Cpl. mmD and PashaAlex. Also fixed hi res menu background and bug in Russian translation where throwing grenades would reset Ricardo's dialogue.

Complete list of changes:


-Added 3440x1440 resolution option to launcher.

-Fixed window and menu alignment in 2560x1440 resolution.

-Prevented AI from running immediately after map load (Ballistic's first dialogue close-up fucked up 2% of the time).

-Added notice in settings menu about plugin font size being affected by Windows settings.

-Fixed target info text alignment at top with font plugin set to "none".


-(PANAMA) Fixed bug with Cooper/Dr. Lee banter screwing up Mabel's dialogue script (thanks to Cobalt Wolf).

-(PANAMA) Ozee now drops inventory before helicopter flight in PANAMA, given new inventory.

-(PANAMA) Added final dialogue for main party members to PANAMA ending.


-New mask and scope screen overlays for 3440x1440 resolution.


Brigand v15.8.rar 686 MB
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