Warlordocracy Early v20.4

Made it so you can now slaughter the starting town without failing the main objective, like in Brigand. I tested it with an invincible character and beat the chapter, but if you can do it without cheating then you are Übermensch.

Added a lot of new dialogue in Ch.1 if you make the militia hostile, and improved some other scripts. Plus a new reputation in Ch.4 for slaughtering all 4 warlords and burning all alliances.

Complete list of changes:

-Main objective is no longer failed if militia becomes hostile at beginning of Ch.1 (Ralo escapes).

-Basillo is now neutral in Ch.1, so you can travel by caravan without faction respect.

-Favius the Shirtless now has different dialogue in Ch.1 if militia is hostile.

-New reputation in Ch.4 for killing all four warlords: Warlord Butcher.

-Improved lots of other dialogue and scripts in Ch.1.

-Updated Builder's Manual.


Warlordocracy Early v20.4.rar 387 MB
31 days ago

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