Warlordocracy Early v19.7

Removed LOS checks for artillery for now, may change later. Added a ton of new objects and items for Ch.4, including a scale that will give you a discount when shopping if it's in your inventory. Carrying an abacus and having the Streetwise ability now also give you a discount (Economics ability still gives the biggest bonus). Also fixed a couple bugs: a throwing bug where thrower would get damaged if throwing at no target, and interacting with wall torches to extinguish them. Mostly just tons of Ch.4 script progress.

Complete list of changes:

-Removed line of sight checks for artillery targeting (for now).

-Carrying an abacus or scale now gives you a small discount when shopping.

-Streetwise ability now gives a small discount when shopping (much less than Economics).

-New town objects: bannerNoble (1-3), shieldNoble (1-3), candelabra, trophy, gazeboFloor.

-New tech objects: machineBig, machineHuge, machineMassive, brewTech (1-3).

-New dungeon objects: fountainDungeon, fountainDungeonBlood.

-New item: scale (heavy but gives discount while carrying).

-Fixed bug where throwing item at nothing damaged thrower.

-Fixed torchWall collision so you can interact with it.

-Lots of Ch.4 progress.

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