Warlordocracy Early v19.5

Weather aiming penalty now also decreases AI attack distance, which is still partly determined by AI baddie's Cunning skill. Nerfed Dustbiter's natural evasion -- normal ratfolk evasion plus his high Cunning made him almost impossible to hit, way too overpowered. Added a ton of new furniture objects like a smokable hookah, and a new pillow item in Ch.4 that grants you the effects of the Deep Sleeper ability if carried. Also added a new track from Sonic Kitchen, and some bug fixes.

Mostly just working on Ch.4 maps and scripts. Updated the Ch.4 overworld map again to better reflect the travelling time.

Complete list of changes:

-Weather aiming penalty now also decreases hostile AI attack distance.

-Significantly decreased Dustbiter's natural evasion (from 50% to 25%).

-New objects: bell, shadow, screen, tableLow, tableLow2, basketBig, basketBig2 chimney3, curtains3.

-New item: pillow (grants same benefits as Deep Sleeper ability when resting).

-New usable object: hookah (same as smoking pipe but not obtainable).

-New track from Sonic Kitchen: Dark Horse (finale2).

-New roof tiles for the Ugliest Pony Inn in Ch.4.

-New ambient sounds: tavern, tavern2.

-Updated Badlands overworld map.

-Lots of Ch.4 progress.


Warlordocracy Early v19.5.rar 373 MB
88 days ago

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