Warlordocracy Early v17.1

Done scripting lots of new baddies, items, Sonic Kitchen tracks, and civilian dialogue for Ch.4, and fixed some minor bugs. I am now officially ready to start working on Ch.4 maps.

In honor of RFK, Jr. getting a brain worm from hunting rats with his hawk near a garbage landfill, you can now get inventory pets in Warlordocracy such as a hawk, and use them to kill rodents for dinner.

Right now I just have a black cat and a hawk. You will eventually be able to upgrade your pet to make it an actual fighter.

Complete list of changes:

-New items: pet hawk, pet cat (use with Animal Taming ability, for Ch.4).

-New Izari boss units: Fire Cleric, Ice Cleric, Wild Cleric, Dream Cleric (for Ch.4).

-Basic Izari Clerics in Ch.3 can now cast Chilling Touch (spells now cost half Meta for them).

-Fixed minor Ch.3 bug where initial party member dialogue would skip if you wait too long to talk to them.

-Reps now gained whenever a main character dies, regardless of faction alignment (Gorbo, etc.).

-Added henchmen and civilian dialogue for Ch.4, improved it for Ch.3.

-Added the Venom Piercer Bow to Chapter 3.

-Improved Chapter 4 intro screen.


Warlordocracy Early v17.0.rar 347 MB
Aug 16, 2024

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