Version 5.5

I have version 5.5 up, which has a few minor fixes, and also a couple new script commands that will be needed for the Panama DLC. I still have to test Panama a little more and then the Beta will be on tomorrow. Also, I'll try to fix the sound file format that has caused crashes on some computers.

List of fixes:

-Added new script boolean, "if_objNearLOS", which is the same as "if_objNear" but also tests for line of sight.
-Added new script command, "task", which makes a sentient object play a task animation one time.

-Added "task=attack" to many voodoo abilities so they make a motion before blasting a Chilling Orb, etc.
-Fixed drop scripts for keys, so they lie down instead of stand up.
-Fixed YScale problem with "makeGrass" script (for world editor).

-Updated Brigand Player's Manual.
-Updated Brigand Builder's Manual.

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Removed an unobtainable rocket from Beneath the Ruins.


Brigand v5.5.rar 360 MB
Sep 06, 2019

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