Version 5.4

Thanks for sending your difficult saves, and please keep doing it ( I used them to add a couple more items to make life easier on the final map and the Beneath the Ruins map (the hardest parts of the game). I also added clotheslines, a bit more garbage, junk items, as well as a couple more structures. You have to start a new game for the story file changes.

Panama DLC will be out in a couple more weeks.

Complete list of fixes:

-Fixed minor bug with player cursor in character info screen.
-Reset character's X angle when changing teammates (instead of looking at feet initially).
-Usable objects only work if they have a name now.

-Clotheslines change depending on controlling faction and weather.
-Fixed bug where AARFY would attack even after player accepts the deal.
-Added new option in barrel INIT script: Wooden Barrel (destructable).
-Added USE scripts to barrels and crates that will show descriptions.

-Added new textures: "clothesline.bmp", "clotheslineB.bmp", "clotheslineC.bmp".
-Added new textures: "barrelG.png", "barrelGBroken.bmp".
-Improved texture: "" (made Polyphonic darker in background).

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Removed shelter and bed from Lonely Coast map and added a house with a locked door.
-Added antiviral pills and a deep mushroom (for infravision) to the Beneath the Ruins map.
-Added some extra items to the lower levels of the final map.
-Changed all barrels and crates to usable objects.
-Added clotheslines to various towns.
-Added some more garbage, junk, etc.

Get Brigand: Oaxaca

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