Version 5.3

There's a bunch of little tweaks and fixes. There was a major bug where players couldn't save at all in Chapter 9. Saving was only supposed to be disabled until you cleared out the Polyphonic. Fixed a couple of dialogue/job problems with Junebug and Boris, tweaked a couple of stats and prices, and updated the team command icons a little. Also, I changed the name of the Elegguan Pirates in the Lonely Coast to "Kalfu Pirates" to clear up confusion because they aren't with Eleggua Tribe (Kalfu Tribe will be a faction in the Panama DLC).

Complete list of fixes:

-Fixed bug that caused player to be stuck in scope mode if he opened it while sliding down a cliff into water.
-Removed error message when characters teleport to the same map for script purposes (now simply nothing happens).
-Plane prefabs now automatically have the drawPriority property set to 1 (visible from both sides).
-Added new script command, "scaleSkin", to scale both X and Y dimensions more easily.
-"If_inParty" script boolean is now also true if temporarily controlled by player.

-Fixed bug with Boris dialogue.
-Fixed Junebug dialogue problem starting in Chapter 6.
-Fixed bug where player couldn't save at all in Chapter 9.
-Updated Eyes of the Beast ability description in globals script.
-Increased Merc Strength to 10 and Thug Strength to 15 (INIT script).
-Increased carrion demon corpse knockback from 70 to 100 for better death collision (INIT script).
-Gave Junebug objective automatically upon opening Pochutla gates for the first time.
-Hunter ghouls now take heat damage in the sunlight (mostly for upcoming DLC).
-Fixed bug where confused player would burp underwater.
-Decreased price of rockets from 88 to 80 jink.

-Updated team command icons.

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Changed name of "Elegguan Pirates" in the Lonely Coast to "Kalfu Pirates" (not with Eleggua Tribe).
-Increased carrion demon corpse knockback from 70 to 100 for better death collision (story file).
-Increased Merc Strength to 10 and Thug Strength to 15 (story file).


Brigand v5.3.rar 359 MB
Jun 30, 2019

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