Version 15.2

Added new font options to the settings menu, under "Visuals". You can change font type, size, and also text plugin options. You can use the fast text plugin for all text, no text, or just the HUD (default). Translators were saying the default text used in dialogue windows was slowing things down with Chinese characters, so the new "all" setting makes it faster.

Also added invisible boxes outside the Toxic Caves on Freeway 175, thanks to Percy Superstar on Discord for finding yet another cheese-run shortcut so I could block it off. I didn't block off NIGHTMARE shortcuts yet, waiting to see if people can still cheese up there. Let me know if you find any other shortcuts that let you skip chapters by climbing up boulders, etc.

Complete list of changes:


-Added new font options in main menu, under a new "Visuals" settings page.

-Larger font sizes now display larger dialogue windows.

-Launcher app and main app now save all font options.


-Ticker script now spawns invisible boxes near Toxic Caves entrance on Freeway 175 to prevent Cheese Runners.

-(PANAMA) Murdering crew in SQUIRREL challenge map before leaving the ship now congratulates you and rolls credits.


-New larger dialogue windows for large font settings: windowBig.bmp, windowBBig.bmp.


Brigand v15.2.rar 681 MB
68 days ago
Brigand v15.1.rar 681 MB
70 days ago

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