Version 15.1

Finally fixed the fucking underwater bubbles animation.

Master Techie ability can now repair melee weapons, Pheonix Flamer, and the H-bomb, thanks to zf13448's post in the bugs thread.

Added two new world editor features thanks to dudithebudi on Discord. If you set object skin set to "editor" it will now only be visible in editor mode, and the "pickName" command has new optional parameter to ignore player.

Invisible boxes now spawn in map script on South of Pochutla map to prevent doing parkour over the south wall and skipping Chapter 5. Let me know if you can still make it over the south wall before the gate opens and I will mail you drugs.

Finally, updated both manuals to include new info and a table of contents with bookmark links. Another patch is coming in a few days to add more font options for translators.

Complete list of changes:


-Deleting your save in-game now also deletes the backup BAK file.

-"PickName" command now has optional second parameter to never pick player object.

-Setting object skin to "editor" will make object invisible unless in editor mode.

-Fixed bug where using items on self flashed "hostile" target description (patched out player's self-hatred).


-Master Techie can now repair H-Bomb, flamer, and all melee weapons.

-TickerDesert script now spawns invisible boxes on towers South of Pochutla to prevent jumping over south wall.


-Changed color settings on bubbles.bmp to fix underwater bubbles sprite (finally).

-New "editor" skin in textures folder.


-Updated both manuals, included bookmarks and table of contents.

-(EXTRAS) Included translated sign textures in Russian translation (thanks to JeRaff AKA Trollface).


Brigand v15.0B.rar 679 MB
89 days ago
Brigand v15.0.rar 681 MB
93 days ago

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