Version 14.9

Early Russian translation is now included in the free EXTRAS DLC. Set Charset to Russian in the game launcher and select BRIGNAD - OAXACA (RU) from the story list.

Included new script commands to save game/story as plain text, so you can edit the file with notepad, then change the extension back to .GAM and drop it back into the Stories folder. Plain text versions of every story are now included in their asset folders for translators or modders.

There are new commands to translate the rest of the HUD labels ("Chapter", "Respect", "Info", and "None"). Another new command to search for objects of given name on all maps. And there is now a separate section for documents in the Main Menu Settings.

Also a ton of minor bug fixes, mostly thanks to IntoxicatedHyena again, and also the people doing the Chinese translation (the next translation in progress).

Complete list of changes:


-Script command "resetStats" now resets object properties to init scripts on all maps (instead of just current map).

-New script command "saveGameTxt" to save in plain text format, so it can be edited with notepad, then loaded again.

-New script command "findObj" to find and list every instance of object with given name in current story.

-New script commands to change HUD labels: "chapterName", "infoName", "respectName", "nullName".

-Main menu now has a separate Documents section so you can view these updates.

-Fixed bug from last patch where 6 objectives wouldn't save at end of list.

-Saving now displays "please wait" message.


-Updated all globals.bsl files with new label commands.

-Zac no longer teleports at sundown if he is a corpse (fixing error message).

-Using beer, beans, etc. now drops empty tin can at your feet (so it won't get stuck in walls, etc.).

-(PANAMA) Fixed bug with Samuel in PANAMA where he would train to max skills after finishing his quest.


-Updated Builder's Manual.

-Moved all menu images for OAXACA into DEFAULT folder.

-(EXTRAS) Included Russian translation in the EXTRAS DLC (thanks to JeRaff).

-(EXTRAS) Included plain text versions of all story files in their assets folders, updated Modding Guide.

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