Version 5.2

The new version makes new copies of all the characters from the Oaxaca story and puts them in the Default folder with simplified scripts that are easily usable in any mod. It also fixes a few bugs and makes the Scumlands job in Chapter 2 more clear (instructions: go to Pochutla gate afterwards to rendezvous with Fingers).

Complete list of fixes:

-Loading screen backgrounds that don't exist are now all black.
-Prevented aquatic-only AI from climbing polycollision objects (rocks, etc.).
-Added Aquatic options for sentient objects in the GUI world editor.
-Removed debugging message from last patch about "CurAnim".

-Cleared up instructions for the Dame in Distress objective, telling you to meet Fingers outside Pochutla (not at Junk Fort).
-Marvin now drops his entire inventory when he leaves your team in the Topo Tracks (you can give him a gun later).
-UB Elite Bureaucrat no longer gives you the Scumland job if hostile.
-Simplified scripts of existing default characters (for easier modding).

-Made default asset versions of all Oaxaca characters with simplified scripts for custom stories (for easier modding).

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Fixed bug where there were two doors marked "Cell Door A" in the Toxic Caves in Marvin's lab.
-Added a small key to Ricardo's home in case player jumps fence and gets stuck in backyard.
-Added a couple more demons and trees.


Brigand v5.2.rar 403 MB
May 25, 2019
Brigand v5.1.rar 382 MB
May 10, 2019

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