Version 14.3

Fixed a lot of minor script bugs thanks to Trollface and Chumbawumba. There were two bugs because the scripts didn't include "the" in the map name, a problem they would not have in Trollface's home country, which is why we should all be more like Russia.

Made it so Roadkill no longer sells Fuel Cells in Gamboa, since he gives you a quest to find one (thanks to Chumbawumba for that and a couple other bugs).

Included the Phoenix Flamer in the final BATTLES map because I haven't featured that weapon enough, along with extra demon spawns. Just noticed I spelled it "Pheonix" in the game but too lazy to fix it now (also fuck the ancient Phoenicians).

The launcher app now has up/down hotkeys for Steam Deck use. Still sometimes doesn't launch the game on the first attempt, but it saves the launch settings.

Complete list of changes:


-Updated launcher app with W+S scroll hotkeys (for Steam Deck compatibility).


-Fixed bug with Scavenger ability in Toxic Caves (should be "The Toxic Caves", thanks to Trollface).

-Fixed bug on Oil Platform map with destroying SIMDA Relay to change Neuro Demon faction (thanks to Trollface).

-(PANAMA) Roadkill no longer sells fuel cells in PANAMA DLC since he gives quest to find one (thanks to Chumbawumba).

-(PANAMA) Fixed bug where entire party would turn on you if Bella defects in PANAMA (thanks to Chumbawumba).

-(BATTLES) Added more demon spawns to Mabel's Ascension map in BATTLES DLC.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)

-(BATTLES) Added Phoenix Flamer to Mabel's Ascension map in BATTLES DLC.

-(BATTLES) Removed Gao's eyeball from plantation map in BATTLES DLC (thanks to Chumbawumba).

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