Version 14.1

Fixed movement speed on low gravity, thanks to JackAU for reporting on Discord. Also fixed a crash if there are more than 20 saves in the folder, thanks to SmashZone on Discord (I thought I fixed that a long time ago).

Also fixed the moon skybox and added a moon terrain texture. They aren't perfect, but they will do for now. in the map script, use these commands to set the sky and ground: "mapSky=space" and "mapGround=moon". Also use "GroundTileRand" once in the world editor to scramble up the terrain tiles.

Still gotta make that new BATTLES map. Should be ready before 11 July (anniversary).

And a reminder that the Moon Map Contest deadline is 10 July:

Complete list of changes:


-Gravity modifier now has a much lower impact on movement speed.

-New script command: "aiTargetParty" (targets random party member).

-Fixed crashing bug when there were over 20 saves or stories in the game folder (for real this time).

-Possibly fixed extremely rare bug when teleporting party inventory?


-Fixed "space" skybox for modders (thanks to JacketAU).

-Replaced blood anims and bloody textures with 5nakey's improvements.

-Moved unused assets from EXTRAS DLC to main DEFAULT folder.

-Added new terrain image for moon surface: "moon".

-Updated Builder's Manual and credits.

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