Version 4.9B

I fixed one sound issue (there may be a 2nd), added more detail to the world (must start a new game for that), balanced the game a bit more, and fixed a couple of bugs. Complete list of fixes below.

-Raindrops now hidden in closeup dialogue windows.

-Changed name in ammoSniperInit.bsl from "Sniper Rounds" to "50-Cal Rounds".
-Decreased price of Harbinger Sniper from 600 to 500 jink at Arsenal's shop in Loma Larga.
-Fixed bug where UBNS respect would decrease to 10 if you reload your initial save.
-Fixed problem with Pluto's AI on the Oil Platform.

-New object and texture: ruinsBrick.
-New object and texture: shelter2.
-New texture:
-New "fail.wav" sound (old sounds was annoying and file format caused crashes).

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Added new objects to world: ruinsBrick and shelter2.
-Added more ammo to the final map and a couple more items.
-Added descriptions for wooden crates and planks.
-Added some more trees and vegetation.


Brigand v4.9B.rar 374 MB
Apr 01, 2019

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