Version 4.9

Next version is up. There are now 3 team orders: Regroup (team follows selected player), Defend (team does not follow), and Hold (team does not move whatsoever, but they still attack).

As for the accuracy balance, I just gave the currently-selected player +5 bonus to aim, nobody else. Scope zooming no longer gives a bonus to accuracy, as the magnification is bonus enough.

Another important fix is that I finally fixed that bug reported by multiple people where your party would leave and be replaced by "?" icons when you return to the plantation in Ch. 5.

Complete list of changes is below.

-Increased default firearm accuracy slightly (for currently-selected player only).
-Removed aiming bonus from scope zooming to compensate (magnification should be enough benefit).
-Changed team selection window, now 3 orders: regroup (follow player), defend (don't follow), and hold (no movement whatsoever).
-Fixed bug where "if_inParty" script boolean wouldn't work when moving to a new map (fixing Ch. 5 bug when returning to plantation).
-Fixed rare crash where attacking from above or below with a melee weapon would cause a crash.
-Scope zooming no longer allowed while swimming.

-Increased bribe to Leon for the Pochutla password from 100 to 150 (encouraging player to find a better way into the city).
-Made it so only the current player can use tomes (fixing bug where teammates equipped with tome would bring up message window during fights).
-Increased loa skills in INIT script, Agility from 15 to 20 and Strength from 5 to 20 (loa are more deadly now).
-Carrion demons in upper level of Scumlands now have AICheckNoise set to 0 until Chapter 2.
-You can now sacrifice 50 jink at voodoo altars (instead of 100).
-Fixed bug where workers would not sell you yucca fruit.

-Update Player's Manual and Builder's Manual.


Brigand v4.9.rar 371 MB
Mar 15, 2019

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