Version 13.8

New command for modders to play with, "deathScript", that allows you to set a script to run when player dies instead of going to gameover screen. Should be useful if you wanna make a VR hacking system or something, as I believe somebody is doing on Discord.

Also, made the FORTRESS challenge map harder by making the Android "Sabotaged", meaning you need the Master Techie ability (same as in the 4th BATTLES map). All story files have been updated to fix an inconsistency with the Lawbringer 44 damage (should all be 14). I hate updating story files because they are so big, but I went through all the maps and they're solid. Fixed a few other bugs.

Discord Invite:

Complete list of changes:


-New script command: "deathScript" (set script to run on player's death, instead of going to gameover).


-Master Techie ability now displays a dialogue window after repairing Sabotaged Androids.

-(NIGHTMARE) Fixed faction of Arachno Demon spawns in finale map.


-Updated Builder's Manual.

-(EXTRAS) Removed difficulty selection from PANZY character creation (now always Wimpy).

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)

-Changed Android to Sabotaged Android in FORTRESS challenge map (now requires 50 Hardware as well as Software).

-Fixed inconsistency in Lawbringer 44 damage (default damage should always be 14 before upgrades).

-(NIGHTMARE) Fixed faction of Widow Demon in finale map.

-(NIGHTMARE) Fixed voodoo sound in NIGHTMARE scripts.


Brigand v13.8.rar 665 MB
Apr 07, 2024

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(1 edit)

To-Do List:

-Trick anti-virus programs in saveGame function.

-Rat spawn scripts after battles in NIGHTMARE/PANAMA.

-Shock damage from leaf, heat damage from coins (sourceObj)?

-New BATTLES map from Panama w/ new demons+eggs (raise price $1).