Version 13.6

Major fuckin update. Got two new baddies in the NIGHTMARE DLC: Widow Demons and Arachno Demons. There are also demon eggs that you can throw to spawn friendly arachnos (vids below). I also have rats now as an object for modders, but I'm hesitant to include them in the official DLCs. They run around and you can whack them for raw meat (type "make=rat" in the command prompt).

Game should no longer crash if it fails to load a sound. I'm gonna try running it on Linux without Proton again in a second. Lemme know your experience on Linux also.

Also fixed tons of bugs (especially in Spanish translation), added some new commands (for rat and arachno demon AI scripts). Added a clue on McVannon's desk texture.

Complete list of changes:


-If a 3D sound fails to load, game will no longer crash.

-New possible sentient animations: misc, misc2, misc3 (played with the "task" script command).

-When sentients with no grip limb use items on the ground, attack animation now plays (hounds eating meat, etc.).

-New script commands: "xDestChange", etc. to set destination relative to current position (for random movement in AI scripts).

-"If_sentientNear" boolean now ignores objects with the same name.


-New object scripts for rat (creature you can kill for meat or possess with voodoo).

-New object scripts for demonEgg (item you can throw to spawn a friendly arachno demon).

-New object scripts for demonArach (jump attack), and demonWidow (spawn arachnids, poison).

-Hooker dialogue now displays player's jink (for 5 jink healing smooches, now also improves Charisma).

-Fixed Boris dialogue bug when he gives you the shop deed and your inventory is full (deed appeared somewhere else).

-Updated Fearomone script so that Rekindled Ghouls, Neuro Demons, and Widow Demons are also now immune.

-Updated Eyes of the Beast script so you can possess arachno demons and rats now as well.

-(NIGHTMARE) Aracho Demons now spawn at night in some areas after certain chapters.

-(NIGHTMARE) Fixed tons of script bugs in the Spanish translation.


-New creature: rat.

-New item: demonEgg.

-New demons: demonArach, demonWidow.

-Added modding license to Docs folder.

-Added carved clue to McVannon's desk texture (

-Removed a ton of redundant model files from story assets (X and DBO files are now only in DEFAULT assets).

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)

-(NIGHTMARE) Added rats, widow demons, arachno demons, demon eggs, and new book to NIGHTMARE story.


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v13.6B: Fixed a shortcut in Panama Deep Canal where you could jump over a cliff from the chemical storage and skip Chapters 3+4.