Version 13.5

Finally worked up the balls to update the story files so I could fix a few things. You can no longer get stuck on that rock in the Toxic Caves river, you can now reach the grenade on McVannon's dresser, plus a couple more changes. Tested the integrity of story files and it's all good.

Fixed a few script bugs as well, and made it so you can't use medkits or bandages while swimming.

Complete list of changes:


-Fixed target window closing animation, fixed world targeting editor info bug.

-Fixed inventory tutorial popping up twice in prologue (one saying you can only carry 8 items).

-You can no longer use abilities underwater.


-Medkits and most abilities can no longer be used while swimming.

-Fixed bug where Carmen would keep turning hostile if UBNS is hostile in Ch.8 after recruiting her with Born Leader.

-Prevented going north from Freeway 200 during flood in Ch.8 (possible to get stuck on wrong side with no medkits).

-Increased skills of Ozee and UB Elite in init scripts for all stories so they can use all their abilities.

-(PANAMA) Fixed bug where dismissing Mabel from the party made her wait in Gamboa instead of outside tunnels.

-(BATTLES) You can now use Born Leader to recruit Osito for free in dialogue in BATTLES DLC.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)

-Increased skills of Ozee and UB Elite in all story files.

-Changed polycollision of cave wall in Toxic Caves so player can't get stuck in underground river.

-Moved loose dirt up in Broken Tooth Pass so you can't target tome through it, fixed nearby rock collision.

-Moved grenade atop McVannon's dresser on the Polyphonic so that it's in reach.


Brigand v13.5.rar 660 MB
Jan 27, 2024
Brigand v13.4C.rar 660 MB
Jan 24, 2024

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