Version 12.9

Fixed a few bugs over the last 10 days, and finally improved the underwater bubbles animation just now. Posting patch notes for the sake of record-keeping. Final patch of all time.

Complete list of changes:


-"Damage" command now cancels source object if source and target are both player faction (fixes starvation damage bug).


-Fixed Acidic Corrosion causing Ricardo's dialogue to reset.

-Fixed bug where Ramirez would crap out when you try to buy radiation pills.

-(NIGHTMARE) Fixed fishing rod script in NIGHTMARE story that caused Ricardo's dialogue to reset.


-Improved 2D bubbles.bmp animation (holding breath).


Brigand v12.9.rar 691 MB
Nov 29, 2023
Brigand v12.8E.rar 691 MB
Nov 26, 2023

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