Version 12.7

Added a virtual keyboard for Steam Deck string input, abilities are now auto-sorted by required skill for modders who want to add their own abilities, all main stories are now listed first, you can now access manuals from the game menu. Tons of other little fixes from bug reports on Steam, itch, Twit, Reddit, and Discord. See below:

Complete list of changes:


-New virtual keyboard in input windows for Steam Deck.

-Stories are now auto-sorted so that official stories come first.

-Abilities are now auto-sorted by required skill (so modders can smoothly add abilities).

-Cursor no longer locks in loading screen, minigames, etc. (only locks when game is running unpaused).

-Added Player's Manual and Builder's Manual to settings menu, disabled in Exclusive Mode (web link also disabled).

-Allowed one more line to ability list in character info screen before it gets cut off.

-Fixed ground slide collision for flying objects.


-Ramirez now sells radiation pills.

-Fixed bug where Ricardo wouldn't initiate target practice if you bought Thumper SMG or Enforcer 30-Cal.

-Demolition Man ability now lets you produce Hex Rockets using the ability itself (not just using Produce Rockets).

-Fixed bug with Hex Charges where they would explode instantly or in the wrong location.

-Hex Charges now automatically decrease faction respect in scripts if anyone is hit.

-(PANAMA) Fixed bug where Hutch wouldn't disappear from Culebra cut after Chapter 2.

-(BATTLES) Fixed objectives list for BATTLES maps.


-Added keyboard images to the HUD folder.


Brigand v12.7.rar 691 MB
Nov 08, 2023

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