Version 12.4

Added smokes into BRIGAND - NIGHTMARE DLC thanks to Quadrajet's scripts. Also fixed a problem with skeleton arms attacking, where they were testing collision between people's legs and missing the crotch entirely. Final update of all time.

Steam Link:

Complete list of changes:

-Added script command: "deusEx" to max out a sentient object's skills, abilities, and resistances.
-Fixed broken attack code for very short attackers (currently only skeleton arms).
-Fixed menu messages when changing game speed.

-SkeletonArms now spawn higher on the Y axis in INI script and have 50 Stealth (plus a face image).
-Updated object and added use script: vendorCig.
-New object and icon: cigs.
-New face: skeletonArm.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)
-(NIGHTMARE) Updated cigarette vendor scripts and placed a couple more in NIGHTMARE and NIGHTMARE (ES) story files.


Brigand v12.4.rar 690 MB
Aug 26, 2023
Brigand v12.3B.rar 690 MB
Aug 11, 2023

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