Version 9.3

New skeleton arms that have a 25% chance of spawning when you destroy a skeleton. New text in Nightmare, new ASK keywords, fixed a Tio bug, removed Exclusive mode (for now), updated credits.


-Removed Exclusive Mode from Launcher App (no longer works with latest plugin, couldn't minimize anyway).


-Skeletons now have a 25% chance to spawn skeleton arms on death, which crawl and attack with minimal damage.

-Fixed yet another Tio bug where the player could attack him and make him teleport out of the city, breaking the game.

-Added more ask keywords into OAXACA and NIGHTMARE dialogue.

-Added new text: History of Bananas.


-Added new baddie object and texture: skeletonArm.

-Updated credits.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)

-(NIGHTMARE) Added new text: History of Bananas.


Brigand v9.3.rar 663 MB
Jan 10, 2022

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fuck yeah *air guitar*