Version 3.2

There is finally a launcher program, plus a new resolution. Also, new voices for Carmen, Laughing Coyote, and Boris the Ghoul. They should say different things according to the weather, time of day, map, etc.

I decreased the max crosshair size for all characters, including the player (not sure if it will make things easier or harder).

Here's a complete list of changes in this update.

-Added support for 1920x1080 resolution.
-Removed seperate EXE files and added a launcher program instead.
-Decreased maximum time limit for hacking to make it a little harder.
-Decreased maximum crosshair radius (everyone is more a little more accurate now, player included).
-Fixed bug in which it looked like melee weapons attack immediately after switching to them.
-Fixed bug in which dice game would be out of alignment on higher resolutions.
-Highlighted selected options in windows with yellow text.

-Added new voices in scripts for Carmen, Laughing Coyote, and Boris.
-Fixed bug in which Zac would not teleport to next map at night if player is not on the plantation map.
-Fixed bullet resistance of elder isopod demon that spawns during the SIMDA relay defense (harder now).
-Shortened Firearms Handbook text so it doesn't get cut off.
-Decreased Boris' starting Vitality from 45 to 25 (init script).
-Increased LC's starting Vitality from 22 to 30 (init script).

-New voice files for Carmen, Laughing Coyote, and Boris.
-New HUD image: "winMsgHi3.bmp".

STORY FILE: (requires starting a new game)
-Decreased Boris' starting Vitality from 40 to 25 (story file).
-Increased LC's starting Vitality from 22 to 30 (story file).


Brigand v3.2.rar 620 MB
Apr 29, 2018

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