Version 7.7B

I fixed a problem with a player getting stuck on the rocks in the Toxic Caves, but you gotta start a new game. Most importantly, I fixed those memory crashes while loading textures in Windows 64. I used the "loadAllMaps" BSL command and it crashed on about map 17 out of 21 (total) on my crap computer without crashing the game. For some people it was probably way worse.

Who was the person in the comments who told me about the 4GB patcher program? Fuck, it's great. I gotta remember to use it in any future patches where I update the EXEs.

P.S.: If anyone is having memory issues, you can get the free Extras DLC and copy and paste the lower-quality assets in the "Extras" folder. There are also higher-quality assets.

Also P.S.: I had no idea the image crashes were only on Windows 64. Thanks for whoever posted that again. I knew it was because too many images were loaded without quitting the program.

Also Also P.S.: Steam trading cards should come soon in case you are 6 years old.

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