Version 7.7

Major update just because so many people were having framerate problems on certain computers with seemingly random specs, especially in crowded areas like Pochutla. I believe I have significantly improved this, but I need your feedback. I tested it a bit, but of course I didn't have time to test the whole thing.

Also, soon there will be Brigand trading cards I think, in case any of you are 5 years old and you care about that shit.

But seriously, I need feedback from people with different computers so I can see if the framerate has improved in any significant way.

Here's a complete list of changes:

-Improved framerate on maps with lots of sentient characters (important on some computers).
-High Performance mode now only deals with raindrops, not draw distance (it was causing skybox problems).

-Fixed a script bug where the player could get into Pochutla prematurely if he knows the password already.
-Fixed some typos.

-Removed some redundant resources in the OAXACA assets folder.
-Added Steam badges and trading cards (coming soon).


Brigand v7.7.rar 657 MB
Mar 01, 2021

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