Version 6.9

This patch replaces all the sound effects with the same format, hopefully more compatible with people using Linux or some other weird shit. It also fixes a couple problems with naming the player character. And some other stuff. I'm hoping people can get this running like a smoothie over a Linux nerd's tits.

-Fixed bug with player's name from last update.
-Included left/right mouse inversion option for some Linux players.
-Fixed bug in which script booleans wouldn't work in the script if they weren't all lower case.

-Player is now forbidden from naming himself after main characters (to prevent script bugs).
-Increased shock damage when player is swimming in the ocean during a lightning storm.
-(PANAMA) Disabled compass at start of Panama story.

-Replaced every file in the DEFAULT sounds folder with a uniform format for Linux compatibility.
-Replaced some texture files for Linux compatibility.


Brigand v6.9.rar 672 MB
Jun 23, 2020

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