Version 6.4, Editor Tutorial

Version 6.4 fixes a lot of little bugs in both Panama and the original, which you can see below. The BRIGAND - FORTRESS challenge map is now a little harder and gives you a Steam achievement for beating it. Also, there is now a world editor tutorial story I put into the free Community Pack DLC. It teaches the basics of the world editor and BSL scripting with notepad. In future updates, I'll improve the tutorial a bit and make the world editor a little easier to use.

Complete list of fixes below:

-Fixed bug from previous update causing unarmed teammates to not follow player.
-New script command: "newStory" (erases everything and teleports player to 1st map.
-Changed capitalization bullshit with player names; you can now capitalize whatever.

-Fixed bug in which Apartment Key 3E didn't work.
-Fixed bug in which player and UB Elites couldn't repair the Enforcer 30-Cal rifle.
-(PANAMA) Fixed bug where Flying Squirrel wouldn't move to next map.
-(PANAMA) Fixed some voice acting commands and fixed some dialogue.
-(FORTRESS) Added Steam achievement for beating BRIGAND - FORTRESS, more baddie spawns, added 25 extra skill points.
-(MOD TUTOR) Added new scripts for BRIGAND - MOD TUTOR.gam in the COMMUNITY PACK.

-Updated Builder's Manual.

STORY FILES: (requires starting a new game)
-Moved item in McVannon's safe slightly to make it more accessible.
-(MOD TUTOR) Added new story file to the COMMUNITY PACK: BRIGAND - MOD TUTOR.gam.


Brigand v6.4.rar 369 MB
Jan 01, 2020

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