Version 6.2B

New version of Brigand: Oaxaca (v6.2B) and the Brigand: Panama DLC (v1.8).

Here is a complete list of fixes:

-AI now randomly rotates if there's nothing else to do (making player's Stealth skill more important).
-Script command "StopAllSound" now stops every sound effect if there is no parameter.

-UB Elite Inspectors now spawn in Pochutla and Loma Larga if UBNS takes over (and search player for contraband).
-(PANAMA) Voices now stop when new character talks during cut scenes.
-(PANAMA) Mabel now surrenders in DAM script as well as AI script.

-Fixed hi-res character textures and gun sound effects for Community Content DLC.


Brigand v6.2B.rar 369 MB
Dec 06, 2019

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